Since 1992, Metal Works of High Point has provided durable powder coating services for various industries and applications. To help our customers better understand the difference between powder coat vs. paint, we will focus on the suitability, benefits, and cost-effectiveness of these processes for industrial use.

Wet Paint vs. Powder Coatings

There are several factors to consider when choosing between wet paint and powder coatings. We cover some of the top considerations below.

What Is Wet Paint?

Wet paint is easy to apply and is the most affordable coating option available. In this process, a pressure sprayer applies a liquid solvent containing suspended color particles to a dry metal surface.

Both powder coating and the wet paint process can cover an entire surface. However, with wet painting, the painted metal does not need to be heated for curing. As the metal dries, the solvent evaporates. While the drying process is considerably longer with wet paint, it does not require any heating equipment.


This versatile process is used to adhere liquid paint to a metal surface. Unlike wall painting, wet paint in an industrial setting utilizes a pump, spray, or pressurized vessel to achieve an even coating. Several paint layers may be needed, resulting in more time and labor costs compared to powder coating.


  • Easy Color Matching. Wet paint offers superior color-matching capabilities, making precise touchups easier.
  • More Color Options. Mixing wet paint creates more color options than the limited pigments available for powder coatings.
  • Self-Drying Products. Wet paint can dry without needing additional equipment, which is ideal for finishing products that cannot withstand heat treatments.
  • Ideal Coating Thickness. Unlike powder coatings, wet paint can be applied in thin layers, accommodating metal pieces that must fit together.
  • Greater Accessibility. Wet painting is more accessible than powder coating, as it does not require high-tech, expensive equipment to achieve desired results.

What Is Powder Coating?

Powder coating is made of finely ground particles of colored acrylics, polyurethane, or polyesters. The material is given a positive charge and dry-sprayed directly onto metal products that have received a negative charge. The process results in statically charged colored particles that cling to the negatively charged metal.

Once a metal product receives a uniform coat of the desired thickness, it is rapidly heated to cure and melt the powder to the metal. This curing and heating process typically takes about 10 minutes, depending on product size. 


Powder coating requires the application of a dry, free-floating organic powder via electrostatic attraction. To ensure an even coating, the piece must first be thoroughly cleaned.

The powder can consist of the following materials:

  • Acrylic
  • Epoxy
  • Polyester
  • Polyester-Epoxy
  • Polyurethane
A high-voltage electric surge charges the dry powder, distributing an evenly sprayed layer over the entire product surface. To complete the process, the coating is cured in an oven (up to 400 F) for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. During curing, the powder polymerizes, sets, and flows around the object to form a thick protective layer.


  • Color Retention. Powder coating allows the colors to stay truer longer than wet paint.
  • Durability. Once set, powder is stronger than wet paint and can resist corrosion, rust, and damage, offering a more uniform coating that lasts.
  • Low Maintenance. Powder coating only requires routine washing with soap and water, eliminating the need for harsh chemicals.
  • Variety of Texture Materials. Powder provides more texture options than other coatings and is ideal for steps, ramps, and other metal products.
  • Coating Consistency. The process ensures even, smooth finishes without application marks.
  • Efficiency. Since powder particles are easily attracted to the metal surface, very little powder gets lost to over-spraying, making powder coating more efficient than wet paint. The process only requires one quick application with minimal drying time.
  • Environmentally Friendly. Powder that falls to the ground can be reused, significantly reducing waste. The particles do not contain volatile organic compounds often found in paints, making the coating a more sustainable option.

Quality Coating Services by Metal Works

Metal Works of High Point Inc. offers reliable powder coating services that promote high-quality protective and decorative finishes in precision components. Contact us for more details about our manufacturing capabilities and learn how our services can meet the demands of your specific application.


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